6 Signs You Need to Change Your Vape Coil

6 Signs You Need to Change Your Vape Coil

Posted by Anastasia on Feb 16th 2023

Vaping can be a satisfying experience, but it's important to maintain your device to ensure it's working at its best. One of the most important components of your vape is the coil, which heats up the e-liquid to produce vapor. Over time, the coil will degrade, leading to a decrease in performance and a less enjoyable vaping experience. In this article, we'll explore six signs that indicate it's time to change your vape coil.

1. Decreased Vapor Production

One of the first signs that you need to change your coil is a decrease in vapor production. If you're used to large clouds of vapor and suddenly notice that the amount of vapor produced has decreased, it's a good indication that your coil is no longer functioning as it should. This can be caused by a buildup of e-liquid on the coil or a decrease in the coil's resistance, both of which can result in a less satisfying vaping experience.

2. Poor Flavor

Another sign that you need to change your coil is poor flavor. If you're noticing that the flavor of your e-liquid is muted or off, it's a good indication that your coil is starting to degrade. Over time, the wick material in the coil can become saturated with e-liquid, leading to a decrease in flavor. If you're used to a strong, robust flavor and suddenly notice that the flavor is dull or absent, it's time to change your coil.

3. Gurgling or Spitting

If you notice that your vape is gurgling or spitting, it's a sign that the coil is no longer functioning properly. This can be caused by a buildup of e-liquid on the coil or a decrease in the resistance of the coil. Gurgling or spitting can also be a sign of a clogged airflow, which can lead to a less satisfying vaping experience. If you're experiencing these issues, it's time to change your coil.

4. Leaking

If you notice that your vape is leaking, it's a sign that the coil is no longer functioning properly. Leaking can be caused by a variety of factors, including a buildup of e-liquid on the coil, a damaged seal, or a decrease in the resistance of the coil. If you're experiencing leaking, it's important to change your coil as soon as possible to avoid any potential damage to your device.

5. Burnt Taste

If you're noticing a burnt taste when vaping, it's a sign that your coil is no longer functioning properly. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including a buildup of e-liquid on the coil, a decrease in the resistance of the coil, or overuse of the device. A burnt taste can be unpleasant and can detract from your vaping experience, so it's important to change your coil as soon as you notice this issue.

6. Decreased Battery Life

If you're noticing a decrease in battery life, it can be a sign that your coil is no longer functioning properly. Over time, the coil can become less efficient, leading to a decrease in battery life. If you're used to a full day of vaping and suddenly notice that your battery is draining faster, it's a good indication that your coil is starting to degrade and needs to be changed.


In conclusion, changing your vape coil is an important part of maintaining your device and ensuring the best possible vaping experience. By being aware of the six signs discussed in this article, you can identify when it's time to change your coil and avoid any potential issues with your device. Regular maintenance, including changing your coil, is key to ensuring that your vape is working at its best and delivering a satisfying vaping experience. So, keep these signs in mind and make sure to change your coil as soon as you notice any of them.

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