How Many Cigarettes in an Elf Bar 5000 Vape?

How Many Cigarettes in an Elf Bar 5000 Vape?

Posted by Anastasia on Feb 20th 2023

Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking in recent years, with many smokers making the switch in an effort to reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals. One popular option is the Elf Bar 5000 vape, which is marketed as an e-cigarette that provides a similar experience to smoking. But just how many cigarettes is an Elf Bar 5000 vape equivalent to?

Understanding Nicotine Content in Vapes and Cigarettes

To answer this question, it's important to understand the difference in nicotine content between vapes and cigarettes. The amount of nicotine in a cigarette can vary widely depending on the brand, but the average cigarette contains about 1 to 2 milligrams of nicotine.

On the other hand, the nicotine content of an e-liquid used in a vape can vary significantly, with options ranging from nicotine-free to high-nicotine concentrations. The Elf Bar 5000 vape is marketed as providing a similar experience to smoking, with a nicotine concentration of around 1.8% or 18 milligrams per milliliter.

Calculating the Equivalent Number of Cigarettes

To determine the equivalent number of cigarettes, we need to compare the amount of nicotine consumed between the two. Based on the average nicotine content of a cigarette and the nicotine concentration of the Elf Bar 5000 vape, we can calculate the number of puffs from the vape that would be equivalent to smoking one cigarette.

One cigarette contains about 1 to 2 milligrams of nicotine, and the Elf Bar 5000 vape provides about 18 milligrams of nicotine per milliliter of e-liquid. If we assume a puff from the vape provides about 0.5 milliliters of e-liquid, then each puff would provide about 9 milligrams of nicotine.

Therefore, it would take about 2 puffs from an Elf Bar 5000 vape to provide the same amount of nicotine as one cigarette.


In conclusion, an Elf Bar 5000 vape is marketed as providing a similar experience to smoking, with a nicotine concentration of around 1.8% or 18 milligrams per milliliter. Based on our calculations, it would take about 2 puffs from an Elf Bar 5000 vape to provide the same amount of nicotine as one cigarette. However, it's important to keep in mind that everyone's nicotine consumption needs are different, and the actual number of puffs needed to equal a cigarette may vary based on individual factors such as body weight and smoking habits.

If you want to make an authentic purchase for vapes online, check out our website today!